Saturday, July 21, 2012


Dedicated In Loving Memory of  two dedicated friends, mentors and pillars of our little shul

                                            Rabbi Barry Budoff and Molly Habermann

This site is born of a desire to share what I have learned from others and to continue to learn. L'dor v'dor. My background is Opera and what I have been able to gather of our tradition was learned in the schul as an adult and not at University. Nor is my training by any means complete. So I write here not as an authority but as a student, and I remain in awe and appreciation of our current range of professional cantors as well as those of the past; Moishe Oysher, Robert Merrill, Richard Tucker, Jan Pierce, and Josef "Yossele" Rosenblatt among others as well as the great canting tradition of the Safardim. I hope that you enjoy the pages herein and I welcome your comments, suggestions and corrections.  It is my hope that via this site and others like it, that the Siddur liturgy may given new life in you the reader, that some of you may renew your engagement with it and that others of you may consider canting as a vocation or avocation. 

Please note: the services and canting contained in this blog are not at all necessarily complete, but rather the blog is written in such a way as to bring out or highlight certain aspects of the service liturgy for those who wish to engage with it and to learn more about it.

For more complete services information:!/aid:1618653/title:Introduction - סדור

For those of you who might be interested, the following is great book for understanding the voice and singing. It is a technical book and a companion to vocal coaching and study.

The Structure of Singing, by Richard Miller

Thanks for reading.

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