Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Adon Olam / Erev Shabbat

Adon Olam - Eternal L-rd

attributed to Solomon ibn Gabirol of Spain. G-d is the beginning and the end, 
" When I sleep, as when I wake, G-d is with me; I have no fear." - Sim Shalom Siddur

HaShem is with us in Olam Hazeh - this life and so will be with us in Olam Habah - the world to come.
Praised be He!

Please refer to the link below for the text and transliteration.

note: I recorded most of these Liturgical pieces on a computer or with my phone, so please forgive the popping until I am able to upload better quality editions.

Gut Shabbos Haveri!

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