Monday, January 13, 2014

Mi Chamocha / V'Shamru / Erev Shabbat

Mi Chamocha

The text for the Kabbalat Shabbat Mi Chamocha prayer is much the same as it is in the Shacrit service, telling the story of Exodus, but once again with a slight shift in emphasis. Here, as in the evening service Barchu, we find that there is reference to, and more explicitly so, entering into our rest hidden in the Shadow of wings of HaShem, under His shelter of peace where no wrong can find us, and that we might by His power together with Israel rise again, to life. The Melody also differs a little bit in its phrasing. - See Job 9:10; Psalm 66:9: Exodus 15:11, 18; Jeremiah 31:11 references Birnbaum

Geulah - Redemption / Text - The last three lines are canted as an intro to Mi Chamocha

Mi Chamocha - Who is Like our G-d / text

Mi Chamocha Audio


Here we recite the commandment to keep the Shabbat, together with the whole house of Israel

V'shamru / Text

V'shamru Audio

Alternate V'shamru versions on this pg

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