Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Alenu / Evev Shabbat


According the Sim Shalom Siddur, the Alenu speaks to G-d as the Almighty Creator and King of the Universe. Furthermore, the Alenu informs us that Hashem is the author of time; the first and last the beginning and the end.  In case we don't get what this means, all present declare that we will bend the knee and bow in His presence. Not only do we bow before the Holy One but we proclaim together with the prophets and angelic beings or those dwelling in the "loftiest hights", that all living on earth will someday prostrate themselves before Him and acknowledge that He alone is G-d and King, Supreme over all. The wicked will be turned to Hashem and the false idols destroyed as all of creation is renewed for the purpose of worshiping and joyfully serving the Holy One. Then finally we are left with the mystical proclamation: " That on that day Hashem shall be one and His name one!" (ECHAD). It speaks of a great and terrible time when all will be shaken, great and small; beginning with a time of trial for Israel as was once in Egypt and the subsequent display of G-d's Almighty Sovereignty. However, this time His power will be displayed not against Egypt only, but against the all the Nations of the world who have come against and ravished Israel. Considering the simcha of Shabbat, the Alenu is a very sobering admonition to us to be Still and know that He is G-d the Almighty One. (see all of Zechariah 14) What we find happening in Zechariah 14, will take place because the world will have failed as a whole to observe the admonition contained within the Alenu prayer " You shall know this day, and reflect in your heart, that it is the L-rd Who is G-d in the heavens above and on the earth beneath, there is none else." quote taken from Birnbaum Siddur
- See Deuteronomy 4:39;  Exodus 15:18;  Zechariah 14:9

Alenu / Text

Alenu Audio

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