Saturday, January 5, 2013

Barchu "K'riat Shema and B'rakhot." / Shacrit

K'riat Shema and Its B'rakhot. / קריאת שמע וברכותיה

We have been praising the Almighty One together with our people Israel.
Now we begin our ascent of Mount Sinai as we retell of His blessings. That He created and goes on creating that which is necessary for life; physically and spiritually, by creating 4 types of light;
1. He first created the angelic host (lights) to serve Him.
2. He created the Stars of the heavens and set them on their course. (Hashem holds the universe together an provides us guiding light)
3. He created the light of ultimate truth.
4. He will send the Maschiach as the light of Zion and cause us to share in the Glory of His radiance.
(we also bear within us the hope to become eternal lights in the summation of all things mentioned in Alenu and Adon Olam when all things become one and His Name one.)

This prayer also stands in contradiction to the idea that G-d as Creator, only makes that which is good, as it seems to infer that He allows evil as well. Also, it suggests that He remains inscrutable to us as it is said;
-Art Scroll

" Blessed art Thou, L-rd our G-d , king of the universe, who formest light and createst darkeness,who makest peace and createst all things." -Birnbaum


- בָּרְכוּ אֶת ה' הַמְברָךְ: 

 - בָּרוּךְ ה' הַמְברָךְ לְעולָם וָעֶד:

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה', אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעולָם,
 יוצֵר אור וּבורֵא חשֶׁךְ.
 עשה שָׁלום וּבורֵא אֶת הַכּל

Ba-r'chu  et  A-do-nai  ha-m'vo-rach. 

Ba-ruch  A-do-nai  ha-m'vo-rach  l'o-lam  va'ed. 

Ba-ruch  A-do-nai  ha-m'vo-rach  l'o-lam   va'ed. 

Ba-ruch  a-tah,  A-do-nai, 
E-lo-hei-nu  me-lech  ha-o-lam, 
yo-tseir  or  u-vo-rei  cho-shech, 
O-seh  sha-lom  u-vo-rei  et  ha-kol.

Reader.—Bless ye the Lord who is to be blessed.
Cong. and Reader.—Blessed is the Lord who is to be blessed for ever and ever.
Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who formest light and creates darkness, who makest peace and creates all things.

Congregation in an undertone.

Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted and extolled be the name of the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be he, who is the first and the last, and beside him there is no God. Extol ye, him that rideth upon the heavens by his name "Adonai", and rejoice before him. His name is exalted above all blessing and praise. Blessed be His name, whose glorious kingdom is for ever and ever. Let the name of the Lord be blessed from this time forth and for evermore.

Next,  the complete text for Hakol' Yoducha -Everything will thank you and the canting portion for the last five lines or so of this prayer. Hakol Yoducha

Ein  k'er-k'cha,  v'ein zu-la-te-cha,   [ Sfardic text differs ] 
e-fes  bil-t'cha,  u-mi  do-me  lach. 

Ein  k'er-k'cha  A-do-nai  E-lo-hei-nu   ba-o-lam  ha-zeh, [ Sephardic text differs ] 

v'ein  zu-la-t'cha  mal-kei-nu  l'cha-yei  ha-o-lam   ha-ba. 
E-fes  bil-t'cha  go-a-lei-nu  li-mot  ha-ma-shi-ach, 
v'ein  do-me  l'cha  mo-shi-ei-nu  lit-chi-yat   ha-mei-tim.

There is none to be compared unto thee, neither is there any beside thee; there is none but thee: who is like unto thee? There is none to be compared unto thee, O Lord our God, in this world, neither is there any beside thee, O our King, for the life of the world to come; there is none but thee, O our Redeemer, for the days of the Messiah; neither is there any like unto thee. O our Saviour, for the resurrection of the dead.

Audio for above

K'dusha follows here but I will be covering it more in the Amidah section later in this blog:
La EL Asher Shavat, K'dusha and following

It should be noted that for the Barchu, as in other parts of the service where the arc is open and the Torah exposed, all should rise and bow. As mentioned earlier, some may wish to bend at the knees and bow at every mention of the names of G-d, and bend slightly for each mention of His titles of for example King - Melech, or mention of His kingdom, His Torah, etc. What follows here is one of the many prayers for Mashiach to come and fulfill G-d's promises to the Nation of Israel. The idea expressed is that the Eternal G-d Who created the great lights and the universe, is still creating and as He is still involved with His creation, that He would send His greatest light to the apple of His eye - the people Israel in the person of the Mashiach Ben David who is to set all right with the world and indeed all of creation which cries out for His renewal in the new beginning under the Light of the Bright Morning Star of that new Day.

Ohr Chaddash
אור חָדָשׁ עַל צִיּון תָּאִיר וְנִזְכֶּה כֻלָּנוּ מְהֵרָה לְאורו. בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה', יוצֵר הַמְּאורות:

Or  cha-dash  al  Tsi-on  ta-ir, 
v'niz-keh  chu-la-nu 
  <   m'hei-ra  |   bim-hei-ra  >   l'o-ro. 

Ba-ruch  a-tah  A-do-nai, 
Yo-tseir  ha-m'o-rot. 

( A-mein. )

O cause a new light to shine upon Zion, and may we all be worthy soon to enjoy its brightness. Blessed art thou, O Lord, Creator of the luminaries.

Audio for Ohr Chaddash

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