Thursday, June 23, 2016

BIRKAT HAMAZON - Grace After Meals for Shabbat

The origin of  the Birkat Hamazon comes from Deuteronomy 8:10 which states:

Deuteronomy 8:10
So you will eat and be satisfied, and you will bless Adonai your God for the good land he has given you. (CJB)

Before grace is actually said on Shabbat, we lead into it by singing Psalm 126.

Psalms Chapter 126  תְּהִלִּים
1 A Song of Ascents.When the LORD brought back those that returned to Zion, we were like unto them that dream. 2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing; then said they among the nations: 'The LORD hath done great things with these. 3 The LORD hath done great things with us; we are rejoiced. 4 Turn our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the dry land. 5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. 6 Though he goeth on his way weeping that beareth the measure of seed, he shall come home with joy, bearing his sheaves.' (JPS) 

More on Birkat Hamozon can be found at the following link:

This will be the last in a series of posts to this website until I find someone to help add more content.
I would like to add Sheva Brachot and El Malei Rachamim, but can not do so at this time. Others may wish to add other liturgical content. At some later date I will be adding a section for worship songs that I've had the pleasure to sing over the years. Until then, I wish you and your loved ones the very best of life and Hashem's blessings.

Audio for Birkat Hamazon pgs 42 thru 63 
Audio for Birkat Hamazon pgs 64-Nodeh, thru 67
Sorry about the quality here; did this on the phone.